Friday, November 15, 2019

Health effects and control measures for poor air quality or air pollution


Health effects

The government of Delhi has declared a health advisory because of several health problems that are happening because of air pollution. Following are the few health problems that are happening because of air pollution are listed :-
  • Breathlessness.
  • Cheast constriction.
  • Irritation in eyes.
  • Asthma.
  • Allergies.
  • Coughing.
  • Lung effects due to hugh amount of dust in air.
  • Reducing the immune system of several children's and adults.

Control measures

  • Banned of fire crackers.
  • Due to heavy particulate matters released by bandrapur power plant, it is been permanently closed.
  • Weekly water sprinkle on roads to reduce the dust.
  • Vaccum cleaning of streets should be done.
  • Use of diesel machinery should be reduced and instead use electrical machineries.
  • New trees should be planted so to reduce the presence of Carbon dioxide in the air.

In recent time the was a mild rain shower in Delhi which shocked not only the people's but also the scientists, this mild rain shower caused the smog to appear again l, in the morning the pollution level was 447 and ITO sector was 486 proof of severe air pollution. This has to be controlled immediately otherwise there will be a major problems for the people living in Delhi.
This picture is of INA on that day and by seeing this we can say how the air pollution has grown overs the years and it really need to be changed.
We the people have to step forward for this change and we have to change, we will ✌️

We need support and it should come from all of us to change, it's either from today or never. It starts with one and then eventually grows.

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Health effects and control measures for poor air quality or air pollution

Effects Health effects The government of Delhi has declared a health advisory because of several health problems that are happening be...