Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Causes and effects of air pollution in Delhi

There are several causes of bad quality air in Delhi some of the reasons are listed:-

  • Lack of active monitoring and reactions by authorities.
  • Overpopulation.
  • Motor vehicle emissions:- one of the main reasons of air pollution.
  • Exhaust from diesel generators.
  • Dust from construction sites.
  • Burning of garbages.
  • Agricultural stubble burning also affects air quality when the crops are being harvested.
  • Although Delhi is kerosene free and 90% of the people uses LPG's but the rest uses garbage residuals, woods, crop residue, coal and cow dung for cooking which leads to pollution and bad contaminants in air.
  • The drifts/ mist that is released in the air are one of the reasons for some particulate matters released by cooling towers of several industries in Noida.
  • Last but not the least the badarpur thermal power plant, a coal fired power plant built in 1973. Despite of producing less than 8% electricity, it produces 80-90 % of particulate matters which was released in the air by the plant. In 2017 due to due to great smog in Delhi at november the plant is been closed temporarily but on October 2018 the plant was permanently close.

Particulate matter level in Delhi

Air quality or air pollution is represented by annual mean concentration of particulate matter PM10 ( particles smaller than 10 microns) and PM 2.5 ( smaller than 2.5 microns, about 25 to 100 times smaller than human hair.
As of October 2017, experts in deverse monitoring stations have reportedly measured that an air quality index (AQI) of 999. This has led to some Government offcials to call the nation's capital a gas chamber.
According to WHO safe PM air quality guidelines are 20μg/m^3 for PM10 and 10μg/m^3 for PM 2.5 (both are for annual mean).

Effects of air pollution in Delhi

1) Effects on children's :-
Around 2.2 million children in Delhi have irreversible lung damage due to poor quality of the air. In addition the research shows that this major air pollution is the reason for low immune system. This also results in increasing the risk of cancer, epilepsy, diabetes and even adult-onset disease like multiple sclerosis.

2) Effects on adults :-
Poor quality air is the causes of reduced lung capacity, headache, even severe breathing problems, asthma, cough, sore throat, fatigue, chest pain, allergies and even early death.
The above pictures shows the about the health impacts of air pollution.

Air quality index.

Air pollution in Delhi over the years.

Several health problems that can be caused due to major air pollution/ poor quality of air.

Next blog will be a detailed analysis the great smog in Delhi and it's effects and how it was formed.
Thank you 😊.

1 comment:

  1. The blog sheds the much needed light on the issue of Delhi Air Pollution, offering valuable insights into its causes, impacts, and possible solutions. A must-read for understanding and addressing this pressing environmental concern.


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